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Return Policy

Return Policy

You can return/exchange any item up to 30 days of receiving your purchase as long as it is returned in its original condition. All goods will be inspected upon return before refunding the item. Please ensure you use the Contact Form to express the need for a refund and to receive the return sender address as we do not have a PO Box.


Do you ship to my country?

Yes, we ship worldwide.

How long will my delivery take?

Our standard UK mail delivery service can take anywhere between 3-10 working days. International mail deliveries can take up to 3 weeks dependent on location.

How do you ship your orders?

All orders, both UK and Worldwide, are shipped via First Class mail. If you require a PO Box to receive mail you must provide your PO Box number otherwise we cannot guarantee your order will reach you.

Can I change my order/address once I've placed my order?

Yes, but it needs to be done within 24 hours of placing your order - otherwise we cannot promise that we will be able to amend your order before it is sent out for delivery.

Do you send dispatch emails?

We do not send dispatch emails. Once your order has been received, we will do our very best to get it shipped out to you as soon as possible (Usually 1 or 2 days after the order is made).